Can Personal Development & Religious Teaching on Women Prevent Crime?

Domestic violence perptuates the cycle of poverty and contributes to creating criminals. In the absence and lack of educational opportunities, some people have limited choices to advance themselves economically.  To survive, some women are forced to make compromises, and cannot live with integrity. 

Let God Grow Your Faith. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone.

Sometimes God has a special call on our lives.    It means that we just have to stop following the crowd that’s following Jesus and get into our own space with Him.  It may well be that the Bible study group or church service is no longer nourishing you spiritually. 

Prayers of a man in prison

In an earlier post, I observed that the church’s mission goes beyond our preferences and perceptions of how, where and who to serve. The church’s mission is rooted in Jesus’ command in the great commission defined in Matthew 28 v 19 – 20 to teach others about who God is and what it means to followContinue reading “Prayers of a man in prison”